Red Door Yellow Door | Scary Games
Red Door Yellow Door is a scary paranormal game you can play before your sleep time when you are around with your friends. This scary ritual is also known as “Black Door, White Door” or “Doors of the Mind”.But it is widely popular as "Red Door Yellow Door". A person guides another person, while he is in trance, through all the doors and rooms !!

Select a room which is not disturbed by any electronic device like TV, Radio, Music System, etc.
1. The guide(one of the players) sits down on the floor, cross-legged with a pillow on his/her lap. The other player should lie on the floor with his/her head on the pillow facing the roof. The person lying down must close his/her eyes through out the game !.
Let the person lying down be you!
2. Raise your hands in the air and try to relax. Your eyes must be kept closed throughout this game.
3. The guide starts to massage your temples with his/her fingers in a circular motion while chanting “Red door, yellow door, any other color door” continuously. If your friends are sitting around you, they too must chant.
4. When you feel yourself getting into a trance and if you can see a room or doors in front of you, lower your arms. This means the chanting can be stopped and the game now begins.
5.The guide asks you questions, getting you to describe your surroundings and prompting you to open doors. Whenever the guide asks you a question, you must answer it.
Some examples of the type of questions the guide should ask:
“Are you in a room?”
“Describe this room.”
“What color are the doors?”
“How do you feel about the door?”
“Open the door and go through.”
1. If you come across people in the rooms, better it is advised not to interact with them. Usually, they turn out to be evil or try to trick you.
2. If you find yourself in a room full of clocks, leave immediately. Clocks can trap you.
3. You can go wherever you want, but it is better to go up than to go down.
4. Light things and light colors tend to be better than dark things and dark colors.
5: If you become trapped in a room, you must try to wake up or you will be trapped in the trance forever.
6. It is believed that if you die in the game, you could also die in real life.
7. If you encounter a man in a suit who makes you feel uneasy, you should end the game immediately.
8. In an emergency, if you are unable to wake up, it may be necessary for the guide to shake you roughly until you awaken. It is like ending the game!
Some Experiences of people who have played this game;
( collected over the internet )
1. My best friend and I played this game. I have a twin brother and we both had brown eyes. he wasn’t at my friend's house it was just me and her. she was the guide and I was in the trance. as we played I came across a man in a suit. neither of us knew the rule about ending the game so she asked me to speak to him. I don’t remember what I said only that he told me I have pretty eyes. I thanked him and without waking up myself I rolled over and threw up after me and my friend cleaned it up. she noticed my eyes were different. they had changed from brown to hazel to a lot of green. when I went home later my brother's eyes were hazel too. nobody but me and her remember me having brown eyes and even in old pictures, my eyes look hazel has this happened to anyone else?
2. I played this with my friend and he saw the guy in the suit except he had a duck head or face or something like that. He was so freaked out. And while we were playing he didn’t respond to anybody but me (I was the guide) Has anybody else experience this? It’s really scary.
3. I did this on my maternal aunt and my mom. It worked both times! However, I’m afraid to try this on myself as I have creepy stuff going on in my mind so I’m afraid to explore my creepy mind.
“You are at one end of a very long corridor. There are numerous doors on both sides, spanning the entire length. I want you to explore these doors and the rooms behind them. Describe to me, what you can touch, feel, see and hear with great detail…”
4. You should close a door when you are exiting a room.
Old lady: Exit the room immediately.
Man in a suit: Exit the room immediately
The room full of clocks: Don’t touch any of them and exit the room immediately.
IF a door is blocked or locked, search yourself for any key, in your pockets, in your shoes, etc. if you can’t get in, that means you are not ready to face what’s inside the room. So, leave it alone.
don't play this game for more than 1 hour!
This game is believed to be pretty safe than other urban legends games! If you can play it with correct rules, this game is the one you can give a hit!

Red Door Yellow Door ;
There must be at least two people to play this game. One acts as the guide, another will be in trance guided by the guide! Only two must play and the rest should sit around them.Select a room which is not disturbed by any electronic device like TV, Radio, Music System, etc.
1. The guide(one of the players) sits down on the floor, cross-legged with a pillow on his/her lap. The other player should lie on the floor with his/her head on the pillow facing the roof. The person lying down must close his/her eyes through out the game !.
Let the person lying down be you!
2. Raise your hands in the air and try to relax. Your eyes must be kept closed throughout this game.
3. The guide starts to massage your temples with his/her fingers in a circular motion while chanting “Red door, yellow door, any other color door” continuously. If your friends are sitting around you, they too must chant.
4. When you feel yourself getting into a trance and if you can see a room or doors in front of you, lower your arms. This means the chanting can be stopped and the game now begins.
5.The guide asks you questions, getting you to describe your surroundings and prompting you to open doors. Whenever the guide asks you a question, you must answer it.
Some examples of the type of questions the guide should ask:
“Are you in a room?”
“Describe this room.”
“What color are the doors?”
“How do you feel about the door?”
“Open the door and go through.”
1. If you come across people in the rooms, better it is advised not to interact with them. Usually, they turn out to be evil or try to trick you.
2. If you find yourself in a room full of clocks, leave immediately. Clocks can trap you.
3. You can go wherever you want, but it is better to go up than to go down.
4. Light things and light colors tend to be better than dark things and dark colors.
5: If you become trapped in a room, you must try to wake up or you will be trapped in the trance forever.
6. It is believed that if you die in the game, you could also die in real life.
7. If you encounter a man in a suit who makes you feel uneasy, you should end the game immediately.
8. In an emergency, if you are unable to wake up, it may be necessary for the guide to shake you roughly until you awaken. It is like ending the game!
Some Experiences of people who have played this game;
( collected over the internet )
1. My best friend and I played this game. I have a twin brother and we both had brown eyes. he wasn’t at my friend's house it was just me and her. she was the guide and I was in the trance. as we played I came across a man in a suit. neither of us knew the rule about ending the game so she asked me to speak to him. I don’t remember what I said only that he told me I have pretty eyes. I thanked him and without waking up myself I rolled over and threw up after me and my friend cleaned it up. she noticed my eyes were different. they had changed from brown to hazel to a lot of green. when I went home later my brother's eyes were hazel too. nobody but me and her remember me having brown eyes and even in old pictures, my eyes look hazel has this happened to anyone else?
2. I played this with my friend and he saw the guy in the suit except he had a duck head or face or something like that. He was so freaked out. And while we were playing he didn’t respond to anybody but me (I was the guide) Has anybody else experience this? It’s really scary.
3. I did this on my maternal aunt and my mom. It worked both times! However, I’m afraid to try this on myself as I have creepy stuff going on in my mind so I’m afraid to explore my creepy mind.
“You are at one end of a very long corridor. There are numerous doors on both sides, spanning the entire length. I want you to explore these doors and the rooms behind them. Describe to me, what you can touch, feel, see and hear with great detail…”
4. You should close a door when you are exiting a room.
Old lady: Exit the room immediately.
Man in a suit: Exit the room immediately
The room full of clocks: Don’t touch any of them and exit the room immediately.
IF a door is blocked or locked, search yourself for any key, in your pockets, in your shoes, etc. if you can’t get in, that means you are not ready to face what’s inside the room. So, leave it alone.
don't play this game for more than 1 hour!
This game is believed to be pretty safe than other urban legends games! If you can play it with correct rules, this game is the one you can give a hit!
Me and my brother are going to do this
ReplyDeleteNormally my younger brother is the braver one but I euss its me this time I am probrobly gonna shit my pants I am scared
dude same i did this and my mom she wasnt even playing and she CRAPPED herself.
DeleteMy friend tried this I was watching the first room was a castle with 2 little girls they were playing and one hit her head and died then she saw memories from her childhood and after one se said she saw a tall man that made her uneasy so we got her up she didn't know if he was the man in the suit though
Deletei whached a tiktok abuot it and was a girl and her sister and her sister was shacking and she could not open her eyes owo
DeleteWhen I went in my first time my room was black and I had three doors red yellow and blue. There was a presence in there with me. I left the game. Then My friend went into my mind and right as she got in she wanted out. She says the walls were beige there were no doors and she was scared. I went in again I saw/felt what my friend felt but I pushed threw and looked around the room and a tall 8 foot man was in the corner. I left the game. I went in one last time the room was the same but it had one door it was the door to my room. The walls were beige and the man was with me again. I am open to keep trying just be safe and read the rules.
ReplyDeletehow did ur friend go into ur mind
Deleteyeah, i don't think it works like that
Deletewait you can go into other people's minds!?!?
DeleteFor my first I had also seen a black room
ReplyDeletemy friend died :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( sad
Deleteme and friend did this, she died in the game and then in reality... she had a heart attack. We had to call the paramedics, she didnt make it. RIP Tonya
ReplyDeleteYes, that happened to my mom, a guy in a suit at my head off
DeleteWhat the fuck,did they really die???
DeleteOmg i am so sorry hopefully this is just a paranormal joke and not real. RIP Tonya
Deleteyeah, this seems fake. U son't say "RIP my friend". thats just inappropriate and weird.
Deleteyeah who says "and my friend met her end... RIP HER I GUESS"
Deleteyeah this isn't real
DeleteI opened a white door and I saw a bunch of smoke and a shadow of a man. I didn't shut the door and if I closed my eyes I saw a pair of eyes looking into mine. And my sister, who I was playing with, heard shushing and stomping afterwards. I still feel like I'm being watched.
Deletewe tried it many times with my friends but none of them worked, i tried it myself a bit later to see if it worked because i thought it would work on me. we tried and the person guiding me was setting the scene in the corridor and i felt something or someone in my arm and it cramped and tingled through my whole body and it was painful for hours on end. my guide also felt something grab her throat and couldn't breathe. this happened before we even got into the trance , has this happened to anyone else ?
ReplyDeletethis often times happens if you are afraid of doing this game or believe that you will get hurt. The close connection with your mind and body is even stronger than usual, so if u expect danger, your brain might actually think that ur hurt and tells the rest of your body that the pain is real.
Deleteor your faking this and trying to scare people
DeleteIt Is so scary and there is a new game I just say at my friend house so you lay on you stomach and relax or it won't work so slowly let some one pick you up and it will look like you went through the floor
Deletehow does this go
DeleteIf you get hurt in the game you get hurt in real life
Deleteno u dont
DeleteI played this with my sister and the next days I experienced nightmares, such as I was being burnt alive. When I woke up, I would feel a pain at my back. The pain wouldn't go away, then I had to go to the hospital, I searched up more about it and figured out. If you have any marks or scars, it means this is how you died on your past life, you shouldn't worry.The mark after a month just disappeared, it means SOMETHING, because of the creatures inside the nightmares. My sister didn't have the same problem though. I am really confused, can someone help me find a logical explanation?
Deletelike mentioned in some later comments, everybody's mind is different.
Deleteyour mind is complex it id different yes but its your mind reacting to the game in your sleep just do things to forget about it and your mind what think about it untill it comes back from a jog of your memory
DeleteI still can see the stripes lines everywhere, do u guys feel the same way?
ReplyDeletestill see lines from what? did u see these stripes when u were in the trance?
Deleteuh no?
DeleteI did it at school it actually worked I seen a man in a suit then I woke up straight after
Deletetouch me plaese
ReplyDeletenope nope nope no thank you NOPE!
Deletei played this game with my nephew the first time i saw an old jail cell door, it was realy creepy but i felt good with it i opend it and i saw the devil smiling at me like a creep, i felt so uneasy i was not able to breath he woke me up, second time that i played it i saw a bunch of normal doors but i was stuck in an doktor office when i needed to wake up but he was able to wake me up tho......... i wil just never play it again :D
Deletehow does one feel good about a jail cell door?
DeleteI played this game with my friends and the girl I owned, said she saw a large hall with white walls and on the edge was a red door with blood and a yellow one. First she opened the red one and saw her biggest fear, then she opened the yellow one and she she said she saw her grave and the photo. The second time we were playing, she said half the hallway and the red door were burnt, and when she opened it was dark and she came in and said she was going to infinity and landed on the hall again and she can't open the yellow door
ReplyDeleteI would recommend that ur friend that she only opens doors she feels very good and safe about.
Delete"and the girl I owned" ...I'm sorry, what?
DeleteSo i just heard about this game a few days ago.. I kept thinking about it over and over and I donnt really know why. Also, it's important that i mention that i am what they call "extremely sensitive" to the spirit world. I have some psychic abilities but I can be skeptic towards myself at times. Anyways, last night while i was in bed, i started dozing off. While doing so, i started thinking about the game...i kid you not, moments later im in this room with a bunch of dark colored door and i saw a man in a suit blocking the doors. He was so close to my face. I remember i jerked up from my sleep but i couldn't speak. I remember waking up trying to reach over for my fiance and man oh man... this tripped me out. It was like i put myself in the trance without doing the actual chant or anything. Im also, a female 25yrs young. Ive been dealing with spirits since i was a child. so its hard to make me feel uneasy but this was scary as hell.
DeleteAlso, if anyone can go as far as letting me know if this meaned anything comment please. There were so many doors. If these were the doors to my "mind" then im terrified because my mind has a lot of dark memories and dark thoughts, but awake and in reality i am completely different. Super sweet and friendly. IMPORTANT TO MENTION, i was in the middle of smoking (before i went to sleep
Delete) when i was thinking about this game and i took a picture and saw a creepy face within the smoke and again on the smudges of my phone...If that means anything please let me know! Im freaking out.
this is nothing
Deleteme and some of my friends have been playin this alot for the past week and we havent seen anything too bad but we all saw this shadow man... like he has no face and hes wearing all black but he blacker than the color black.. like my friend was in a sewer and it was really dark but she could still see him , but weve all seen him have anyone else?
ReplyDeletemany people who play this game see the shadow man. It's completely normal. However, i don't recommend interacting with him...
Delete...does giving the shadow man the middle finger count as interacting with him?
Deletethat idk but i tried swearing at him he just starting to get blury and closer i picked the green door it is not scary only fun
DeleteI tried this once with a group of friends. the first couple of times, it didn't work, but then one of my friends saw a door and got to exited, so she fell out of the trance. Then it was my turn to go. I saw what looked like the front door of my house. I managed to keep my cool and opened the door. Inside there was this weird glow so I went to it and found trap door. So went through it because it maybe laugh for some reason. Inside the new room there was this hallway and at the end here was some kind of painting, but I couldn't see what it was. so I walked towards it but every time i got closer to it the room would darken so by the time a reached it, i couldn't see what it was. Then the lights suddenly flickered on and scared the crap out of me and i saw the painting. It actually wasn't a painting at all. I burst out laughing and came out of the trance. It was that weird goat meme that said "y'all got any corm breab?"...and that was my journey inside of my mind... wtf?
Deletewait what?
DeleteI once so a nobody cares sponge bob meme
Deletesry correction: saw not so
DeleteLmfao that is actually hilarious. 4 real?
Deletelol what the heck.
Deletewait for real? lmao thats legendary. I want to find a meme in my mind lol
Deletewait for real? lmao thats legendary. I want to find a meme in my mind lol
Deleteu said that twice, idiot
Deletealso, that meme is so old
DeleteMy brother had a kind of similar experience. It was all spooky and then he got to a defaced Mona Lisa.
Deletelol i needed to read this
Deletelmao i want to find a meme in my mind
DeleteI once walked into a room of these really old memes
DeleteI kinda really want to do this. but I feel like im going to get stuck in my brain-
DeleteMy cousin said she saw keys and locks i have no idea what that means can someone help me with this?
ReplyDeletemaybe some keys for a door.
Deleteyeah tell her to grab some keys and see if they open any doors
Deletefind compartments , locks,or keys for a door
DeleteI have done this multiple times and my sister entered and the first thing she saw was a talking fox which was later figured out to be her spirit animal she also saw her future
DeleteMe and my friend is gonna play this. Had anyone tryed it and actually experience it? Is it real or is it just a myth???
ReplyDeleteIts real, but it's kinda hard to do. At least it was for me. Maybe try doing it with multiple people?
Deleteyeah doing it with multiple people chanting really does help
DeleteMe and my friend are going to play this creepy game. We are really shaking right now but we are brave enough to do it. Is it true that if we die in the game, we die in real life?
ReplyDeleteomgmggg im so scareddd eiheogbuegiu
Deletenah that's bs meant to scare u. But the game itself is real.
Deletethe whole "iF yOu DiE iN tHe GaMe, YoU dIe In ReAl LiFe" is a bunch of crap and fake news
Deletethe you die in the game you die in real life thing is real I know this because my sister used to think it was bull$h!t to until she tried it she was still skeptical until I went in and a mosquito bit me and I started getting itchy where I got bit and it started turning red so my sister went in and started hurting herself and it hurt her in real life and me and my friend were five feet away from her but my sister lives the game now because she fell in love with her future wife
Deleteyeeeeeeaaaaaah- no. not real. and even if it was, nobody died... nobody
Deleteis it reallllll???
ReplyDeletehell yeah, it's real alright
Deleteit's real, but the whole "if u die in the game, then u die in rl" part isn't
DeleteI hope we are safe when playing this game...
ReplyDeleteu are
Deletetrust me, u won't die
Deletewhats that supposed to mean!?
Deleteit means u wont die?
DeleteThese comeback replies are awesome lmaooo
Deletehsgoo im scared if it will work or not but many people make it seem like its real. WHAT IF IT IS REAALLLL
ReplyDeleteit's real, but don't worry, it's totally safe.
Deletewhat does hsgoo mean? were u trying to say hello or something
Deletei really wanna do this but i have no friends lmao
ReplyDeletedo you have like a sibling or something? You could probably do it with them
Deletelol same here! "laughs for a bit before it turns into crying*
Deletethey say its a pretty safe game but you can die??!
ReplyDeleteno that's bs
Deletenope, ur fine
ReplyDeleteno u cant
Deletelol just going back and forth
Deletewell not like die, die but like you can be in a coma and stuff
ReplyDeletethis game is safe
Deletestill going?
ReplyDeleteuh, thx for that
ReplyDeleteIt can too I played and I saw a clock my body told my mind it did not want wake up and my body started moving to the clock without me being able to stop it the clock was also so white so yay
Deleteyour body told your mind... sweety, besides from your head, your body doesn't have a mind. And how would neurotransmitters communicate such a complicated message.
Deleteya but like u can be in a coma
ReplyDeleteNo it can't. Trust me. Ur safe doing this.
Delete...heated debate... just kidding, it's lame.
Deletei played it with my friend and she said some man was chasing her and she couldint open her eyes so i had to shake her it was weird .then i played with my mom and she saw a huge eyeball im confused are there diffrent people or things or are these things you imagine
ReplyDeletePeople have different fears
Deleteyeah, everybody's mind is different, and this whole game is about exploring your mind.
DeleteWait! This makes you go into your own mind?? I'm kinda scared now...
Deleteyes everyone has a different conscious and have different fears. the black man chasing her was her inner demon ur mind isnt always your friend.
ReplyDelete"ur mind isn't alway ur friend"
Delete...thats good
you gay
Deletewhy would you say that wherido
Deleteanyone wanna come over and do it with me??
ReplyDeletetessssssssssssss me and my friend and do it with you but we needa trust you first my instagram is ztrxna.x and message me so i can know u guys know each other or something?
Delete*cough cough* kidnapper *cough*... sry i had a "kidnapper" in my throat...
^ lol
Deleteyas please
Deletewhat is your address I am on my way
Deleteyeah, okay, um here's the thing "i have played this game before", if all that spooky stuff happening to you was real, why would u want to play it again... with a stranger?
Deleteoooh they got u, "i've played this game before"
Deletethis game is trash
ReplyDeleteI'm assuming it didn't work for you. It takes practice.
Deletethis isn't fortnite, virgin
DeleteIt actually does take practice it took awhile for me and my sister to master it and when my friend tried to do it to me it did not work
Deletedear I have played this game,
DeleteI'm banging my head on the screen rn
I was reading through the comments and I was kinda freaked out... then i got to the one posted on feb 7th... now i'm really scared...
Deleteyeah, ok then
Deletewait which one?
Deletesomebody saw a meme in their mind
Deletemy friend and I were playing the game.She said that she was in a blue and green,turtle themed birthday party.Then she saw a man in a black suit ,staring seriously at the little birthday kid.I was the guide so I told her to get out
Deletethis kinda sounds like some thing out of stranger things
Deletei played with my freinds and saw a shadow man i awoken and i still feel uneasy as i played it in the classroom i didnt know the rule dont stay in a room full of clocks so as i went into a yellow door the man was infront of me i quickly awoken but i feel the same as when i was in a trance has this happend to anyone esle.
ReplyDelete...I just saw an old meme...
Deleteoh ur that person?
DeleteMy friend once gt trapped but not in the game she was out of the trance she just had her eyes closed but she could not open her eyes it took us 5 hours to pry her eyes open, and once she talked to the man in a black suit and he said she had pretty hair and when she walked away the man followed her and her hands started turning white, and a funny story she jumped out a window once and kicked her teacher
ReplyDeleteyour are telling quite the story, but i'm sorry to say that it is all FAKE NEWS!
also my sister stole my moms wallet and do not joke about people being gay or lesbian or bi
Delete...oh yeah, didn't you say that your sister got trapped in the game or something?
Deleteit is a sensitive subject
ReplyDeleteok, yeah, so umm... listen i get it, im trans, but this is the internet, sweety. Not middle school. and it was one person... just one... e_e
DeleteI played with friends and my friend in the trance saw a lady with black hair over face, man n suit, and a little boy. SHe told the boy to come with her and she saw pictures and it was his family. THen she walked more saw more pictures we asked who it was and she wouldnt wake up you can tell she tried to open her eyes but couldnt not a joke we kicked her and blowed in eyes. When she woke up she said after she saw the pictures she was chased by man in suit and women and kid was absed and that she would try to open her eyes and see us alittle then close them and see the boy screaming. Yikes close the doors.
Deleteoops said it twice, sry!
Deletei might play
ReplyDeleteu should its kinda exciting
DeleteHas anyone found that it gave them panic attacks or long-lasting anxiety?
ReplyDelete...i already have anxiety sooo...
DeleteIm going to play this game tomorrow with my friend when he comes over. does anyone have any tips on how not to scare yourself about it or see bad things in the game?
ReplyDeleteso i played and saw the girl i cheted on turn into a black man i ran at him and fell in a black hole and he was staring at me is that normal i picked the green door
DeleteBitch Lasagna
ReplyDeleteI played and the “trapped in the game” shit is a load of bullshit. People, by the way, have different fears. If people all saw the suit man, that means u all had the same fears and that is bullshit because there is no way in fucking hell that you guys can be neuroconnected. I am a goddamn neurosurgeon in residency and I played with my roommates. Nobody can die btw. The worst thing that can happen is a non-lethal siezure.
DeleteSo I have played this game a couple of times and each time I see the same person. I don't know him in real life though, and I know he's not the man in the suit. I don't get a sense of fear or worry when I see him, he just seems familiar(though I know I don't know him), and I get the urge to talk to him. Any ideas on what this means?
ReplyDeleteuhh... no not really
Deleteto the person that commented "bitch lasagna" im legit cackling lmfaoooooo
ReplyDelete...Why tho...
DeleteCan you play this game outside?
ReplyDeleteMy friends and I played and it was traumatic. One friend saw all yellow doors and he opened 2 and they had the same thing, a cabin in the woods and his dad (who he fears) ran towards him with a axe. Next friend say a dark room with a rope and a symbol and we later found out it was bad. Next friend was in a dark room and heard a voice that said “the dark owl swoops with silent wings” we dont know what it means. For my experience I saw was a few doors but I went into the brown door and it was dark but one light in the corner and I went to it but then left and closed the door but I noticed the shadow man was following me and I was twitching and jolted up and almost cried
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHello is the "you can get trapped in the game" thing real or is it fake?
ReplyDeleteIf it is real then can you get trapped in the game forever or no?
If it is fake then good.
@Bahri no you can’t get trapped forever in the game, and you can’t die either
ReplyDeleteIt is real not fake I have played this before and it does work it can take some time for some people to get into a trance
the man in the suit is hot
ReplyDeletefantastic website
ReplyDeleteFantastic site I really recommend.
ReplyDeleteit really works
ReplyDeleteI tried but my sister's saw it but I didn't because they didn't want to play, like I didn't even try 👩