5 Creepy Stories That Are Enough Filled With Chills !!
This time I thought of sharing some creepy stories that are quite spooky enough !!

One night, there was a young man riding on horseback. He was tired and hungry and looking for a place to spend the night. He saw a villa up ahead where he might ask for shelter. He rode into the courtyard and got off his horse. There, he saw a beautiful young woman who was holding a candle. She asked him who he was and what he wanted. Describing his situation, the young man asked her for shelter. The lady agreed and led him inside.
The young man looked around the house and saw a painting of a dreadful, evil-looking man. He asked the woman who the person was. She replied that it was her husband who had died a few years ago. The young man examined the picture closely. When he turned around, he was frightened to see the very same man standing there, staring at him with a horrible expression on his face. The husband shouted at the young man and demanded to know what he was doing in the house. The young man replied that the woman had invited him inside. The husband said that was impossible. His wife had died two years ago. This was a very horrifying situation for the young man but suddenly he saw the woman walking towards him. He told the husband to look behind him, but the husband said he couldn’t see her. Then, both the husband and the wife started laughing. They explained that it had all been just a prank they were playing.
Just then, a servant came into the room. He told the husband and wife that there was a dead body outside in the courtyard. The husband and wife rushed out of the villa and were horrified to see the body of the young man lying dead on the back of the horse.

I was in a country pub, sitting at the bar one night when a strange little man walked in and sat up on the barstool at the other end of the counter. He ordered a beer and began telling the barman a story. As I listened in, I heard him talking about how he had been out mountain climbing with his friend and ran into some trouble. His friend’s rope broke and he fell hundreds of feet to his death. The little man said he had been stuck on a small outcropping on the sheer mountain face with no way down and no hope of rescue.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” I said. “But did you just say you were stranded on the sheer face of a cliff with no way to get down and no hope of being rescued?”
“Quite right,” said the little man.
“So, if you’re telling the truth, then you couldn’t have gotten down and you couldn’t have been rescued,” I said.
“Quite right,” said the little man.
“So, either you’re dead or your whole story is a big lie,” I said.
“Quite right,” said the little man as he vanished into thin air.
1. The Horseman

One night, there was a young man riding on horseback. He was tired and hungry and looking for a place to spend the night. He saw a villa up ahead where he might ask for shelter. He rode into the courtyard and got off his horse. There, he saw a beautiful young woman who was holding a candle. She asked him who he was and what he wanted. Describing his situation, the young man asked her for shelter. The lady agreed and led him inside.
The young man looked around the house and saw a painting of a dreadful, evil-looking man. He asked the woman who the person was. She replied that it was her husband who had died a few years ago. The young man examined the picture closely. When he turned around, he was frightened to see the very same man standing there, staring at him with a horrible expression on his face. The husband shouted at the young man and demanded to know what he was doing in the house. The young man replied that the woman had invited him inside. The husband said that was impossible. His wife had died two years ago. This was a very horrifying situation for the young man but suddenly he saw the woman walking towards him. He told the husband to look behind him, but the husband said he couldn’t see her. Then, both the husband and the wife started laughing. They explained that it had all been just a prank they were playing.
Just then, a servant came into the room. He told the husband and wife that there was a dead body outside in the courtyard. The husband and wife rushed out of the villa and were horrified to see the body of the young man lying dead on the back of the horse.
2. The Old Man In The Bar

I was in a country pub, sitting at the bar one night when a strange little man walked in and sat up on the barstool at the other end of the counter. He ordered a beer and began telling the barman a story. As I listened in, I heard him talking about how he had been out mountain climbing with his friend and ran into some trouble. His friend’s rope broke and he fell hundreds of feet to his death. The little man said he had been stuck on a small outcropping on the sheer mountain face with no way down and no hope of rescue.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” I said. “But did you just say you were stranded on the sheer face of a cliff with no way to get down and no hope of being rescued?”
“Quite right,” said the little man.
“So, if you’re telling the truth, then you couldn’t have gotten down and you couldn’t have been rescued,” I said.
“Quite right,” said the little man.
“So, either you’re dead or your whole story is a big lie,” I said.
“Quite right,” said the little man as he vanished into thin air.
3. The Pretty Child
Years ago, in South Korea, there was a mother who had a cute 5-year old daughter named Ji-Yoon. The little girl was very vain and had a habit of constantly asking her mother if she was pretty. “Of course you’re pretty,” the mother always replied, even though she was tired of answering the same question.
One day, the mother took her daughter for a walk down by the river. As they were crossing the bridge, Ji-Yoon stared down into the rushing water and asked: “Mommy, am I pretty?”
The mother was so fed up and annoyed with answering the same question over and over that she lost her temper. In a blind rage, she pushed her own daughter into the river. Ji-Yoon fell into the water with a splash. The little girl was unable to swim and, within moments, she sank below the surface and drowned. Realizing what she had done, the mother was overcome with anguish.
However, she didn’t want to go to jail, so she told the police that Ji-Yoon had slipped and fallen over the edge. Her friends and neighbors came to comfort her and before long, the woman forgot about her daughter and went on with her life.
A few years later, she got pregnant and gave birth to another child, who she named Ji-Eun, to commemorate her deceased daughter. One day, the mother found the little girl standing in front of the mirror and staring at her own reflection.
“Mommy, do you think I’m pretty,” asked Ji-Eun.
“Of course you’re pretty,” replied the mother.
The little girl looked up at her mother and asked, “If you thought I was so pretty, then why did you push me into the river?”
4.The Mirror In The Closet
There was a girl who had a bedroom closet. On the inside of the closet door, there was a large full-length mirror. This girl was a thrill-seeker and she loved to freak herself out. Sometimes, she would open the closet door at night and stare at her reflection in the mirror. One night, when she did this, she was surprised to see an interesting effect. Due to the interplay of light and shadow, when she looked in the mirror it seemed like her reflection had black, empty eye sockets and a huge, gaping mouth. After admiring the optical illusion for a moment, the girl went to the bathroom. But when she turned on the bathroom light, she remembered something that made ??she locks herself inside the bathroom and starts screaming loud enough to wake her parents and half the neighbors. What did she remember? Earlier that day, her father had removed the mirror from her closet door.
5. Brothers
I have a brother named Sergei, who is 4 years older than me. We live with our parents in a small apartment on the outskirts of the city. There’s not a lot of space, so my brother and I have to share a room. We have bunk beds. I sleep on the bottom bunk and my brother sleeps on the top. One night, my parents went to visit our relatives who live in the country. I stayed out late with my friends. When I got home, it was already past midnight. I didn’t want to wake my brother, so I didn’t turn on the light. I just undressed in the hallway and went into our room.
As I was getting into bed, I heard my brother groan and ask for a drink of water. I went to the kitchen, filled up a glass with water. When I returned to our bedroom, I sat down on the bottom bunk, took a couple of sips, then handed the glass to my brother. He took it from my hand. “Goodnight,” I said and I climbed into bed. I fell asleep almost instantly.
Sometime later, I was awoken by the sound of knocking. With difficulty, I opened my eyes. It was still dark. I looked at the clock. It was after 6 AM. Who could be coming to visit so early, I thought. I yawned, pulled myself out of bed and went to open the door. There stood my brother.
“Where were you?” I asked.
“I stayed the night in my girlfriend’s place,” he replied.
Suddenly I understood the meaning of his words. “You didn’t come home last night?” I asked.
“No,” my brother said.
With a pounding heart, I walked back to the bedroom and turned on the light. The top bunk was empty and beside the pillow, there was an empty glass.
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