The "Charlie Charlie" Demon Game !

Who don't know about the famous OUIJA BOARD which was used to contact the dead ones?
Well that was not only the way to contact spirits !! There was another famous Pencil Game - "The Charlie Charlie Game"

This so called Demon game is an old Mexican Tradition. A supernatural ritual used to contact the demons/spirits. This game is also widely popular as the "The Pencil Game" , "Charlie Charlie Challenge" . People believe that by playing this game, you are contacting a spirit/demon named CHARLIE , a young boy who has committed suicide.

You can play this game either with two pencils or six pencils !!


1You need a sheet of paper and two pencils.
2. Draw a cross on the paper. Put the two pencils across the lines dawn. You need to balance a pencil on the other.
3. Write YES and NO twice in the opposite square boxes formed by the cross.

4. Say the following chant twice out loud: “Charlie, Charlie, can we play?”

                 Charlie will make the pencil point to either “Yes” or “No”

   (yes!! there are a lot instances this was proved true and creepy and not by any gravity)

You can now start to ask questions and Charlie will answer them with either “Yes” or “No”.

To end the game, you must chant “Charlie Charlie can we stop?” And when you get a “Yes”, you say “Goodbye” and remove the pencils from the paper to break contact. If he says “No”, keep trying until you get a “Yes”.
(don't worry! he will leave you)


This Pencil Game can only be played by two people. You need six "unsharpened" pencils.

1. Each person takes three pencils and arranges them to form three sides of a square. The ends of the pencils must touch. You must hold the pencils at the sharpened tip.

2. Both of you must say the following chant twice: “Charlie, Charlie, can we play?”

If the pencils move inwards, it says “Yes”.

If the pencils move outwards, it says “No”.
If one side moves inwards and the other moves outwards, it means “Maybe”, or  the question may be unanswerable.
Also, up means “Yes” and down means “No”.

3. You ask the spirit of Charlie Yes or No questions. He will indicate his answer by moving the pencils.

To end the game, you both must chant “Charlie, Charlie, can we stop?” When the pencils move inwards or upwards, you drop them to the floor and say “Goodbye” to break contact.

To make you believe in this game ( not my try ) , here are a few experiences faced by people when they practiced this game !! ( collected from various websites )

1. “When I was younger, we used to play a game called Six Pencils… They truly moved! It was crazy. They answered questions that nobody could have known. My Mom told me it was demons we were talking to, so I stopped.”

2. “My friends played the Pencil Game and they got in contact with a ghost named Charlie that had died of child abuse. But things soon went bad. One of my friends saw a dark figure on her roof when she was home alone. Another heard scratching on her bathroom door and dark laughing. Another felt her blanket on her bed being pulled down when she was sleeping and then she also heard laughing. Another saw a dark shape hanging from her roof. All of these things happened when they were alone. Soon they got scared and stopped playing the game and put up crosses in their rooms and never went near that stuff again and it all stopped.”

3. “The game “Charlie, Charlie” was a big thing at my school, and I came home and played it with my Mom. My Mom and Dad got all mad and said that the game was just like the ouija board. Supposedly it’s a call to the devil… No offense, but it’s scary… I started hearing things around my house after I played it”.

4. "I remember last year after lunch, my friends and these others kids started playing this game and after they said, “Show us a sign”, the paper blew into the air and all the pencils fell and rolled on the floor. Idk if it was maybe the wind but it wasn’t windy that day… That’s the thing. =-O

Just some advice: don’t play this game it has to do with demons and horrible stuff like that". 

5. I played it with some of my friends and aplenty he is related to bloody Mary and baby blue and wen he found out my friend had played the baby blue game he summoned bloody Mary who then preceded to poses my friend natana so I broke the pencils in half, so losing story short…

There aren't any reports of someone losing their life by practicing this game, BUT, many say they experienced some paranormal actions after playing this!!. So its quite safe and spooky !!
However, I still advise you not to play it, just in case you are interested!! If you are brave enough and adventurous!, go give a try!

Check out the CHARLIE CHARLIE Pencil Game ( two pencil version)


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