Top 5 Haunted Places In America ( PART-1 )

The United States Of America have 10s' of haunted places where a number of paranormal activities took place. Well i have listed here some of them. This list includes historical sites,caves,mansions and even battlefields. To your surprise, most of them are open to public and some even offer a whole night accommodation. ( creepy nah??!!) . So after reading this article, people of U.S.A can give a try to visit them !!


This cave is one of the oldest haunting spot in USA. The famous CBS news also listed it as one of the creepy place in america. In the time of 1817-1821, The John Bell Family, residents of Adams, was haunted by a poltergeist. It was a witch that tortured the  family. it troubled the children, made weird noises. It was believed that this witch was the neighbour of the Bell Family who hated them. She swore John that she would murder him. And finally she succeeded. There are many who believe that this witch was a poltergeist which doesn't have a proper human form. There are tours of Bell Witch Cave on John's old property. This was considered as one of the spooky spot to visit.


Over ten thousand men lost their lives in the battlefield of Gettysburg. The location is so popular that it even was telecasted on the famous TV show Ghost Adventures . Road Trippers say this place was most haunted in the country.Many Tourists reported that they have spotted Ghost sightings.Many claim that they have met civil war re-enactors who were not existed at that time. The Battlefield is now a historical spot. You can visit this place at night time for Spooky Adventures.


A luxurious hotel,The Stanley, is a popular haunted destination. This is due to the Stephen King's Horror novel, "The Shining". The king and his wife stayed at the hotel.
They experienced paranormal activities. They got nightmares all night. This driven the driver to write this novel. The NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC considers it as the top haunted location in US. The hotel was founded by F.O and Flora Stanley. People believe that they are still roaming around in the hotel. Visitors and staff hear Flora playing the piano. The Atlantic Paranormal Society caught some good footages during the episodes of THE GHOST HUNTERS. Staff and guests report everything from apparitions of children to objects moving by themselves.

4. Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Louisville, Kentucky ;

Waverly Hills Sanitorium turns up on many top haunted lists and television shows, including ABC/FOX Family Channel's Scariest Places on Earth, and the British show, Most Haunted. The building opened to tuberculosis patients in 1910 and through the years served as a home for the elderly and the severely disabled, a concert venue, and now, and haunted site with tours. As may happen at any place associated over the long term with death and disease, not all the original Waverly inhabitants rest in peace. Prepare to experience shadow people, ghostly nurses, and disembodied voices singing and crying. There are tours, which range from a few hours to overnight, and the site is eerie even in daylight.

5. Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ;

This is a prison opened in 1829 and attempted to rehabilitate the prisoners using strict work schedules, enforced silence, and hoods to block out any views of the outdoors.Today, the prison is considered a hotbed of hauntings, and many paranormal groups have investigated. It has been included in numerous television documentaries.Tours are available and you can claim them online.

This is not the end ! There are many more creepy places around USA, Here are another 5. Have a look!
.                                          Top 5 Haunted Places In America ( PART-2 )


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