Baby Blue | Scary Ritual !!

Let's know about another scary ritual today! The "Baby Blue Game" ! This ritual is believed linked to The Bloody Mary ritual! Well, in fact, Baby Blue is believed to be scarier than The Bloody Mary.
There are shreds of evidence that this shit actually happened! So take a look at this cute baby !!!!

Baby Blue

In order to play “Baby Blue”, you have to go to the bathroom( only you ), turn off the lights and lock yourself there. Then stare into the mirror, hold out your arms like you are holding a baby and chant the words “Baby Blue, Blue Baby” 13 times without making a mistake.

If you have done it all right, you will suddenly feel like the weight of an invisible baby in your arms. The baby will get heavier and heavier as it grows larger and larger. You will also feel like it is scratching your arms.

Before it gets too heavy ( before it gets dangerous ), you have to quickly take the invisible baby, flush it down the toilet and get the hell out of the bathroom. If you don’t do it fast enough, a creepy woman will appear in the mirror. She will yell at you “Give me back my baby!” and scream loud enough to break the glass. If you are still holding the baby, she will kill you.  ( as up to the game )

Some people believe the woman is Bloody Mary. The story goes like she murdered her own child when she shattered a mirror and used a piece of broken glass to stab him to death. ( OK, No mother does it ! )

People's experiences who've done it ! ! !;

1. ( this one is true ) a group of girls found out about the blue baby story and decided to try it out. They didn’t believe it would work, so they sent their friend Laura into the bathroom on her own. She turned the lights off and closed the door behind her. Laura put out her arms and started chanting the phrase “Blue Baby, Baby Blue”.

All of a sudden, a baby appeared in her arms and began scratching her. Laura was scared out of her wits and had no idea what to do. She wanted to drop it and run, but she was afraid of what might happen. She just stood there holding the invisible baby as it grew heavier and heavier. Suddenly, she caught sight of something horrible in the bathroom mirror and screamed in terror.

When Laura’s friends heard her screaming, they tried to open the bathroom door, but it was locked. Finally, they managed to run to a friends’s house to get help. When they broke open the door, they found Laura lying dead on the bathroom floor. Her eyes had been scratched out. They couldn’t move her body because something large and invisible was pinning her to the ground.

2.  Omg, me and my frend did this when i was little and she fainted, and I had to drag her out of the bathroom she still has the scares and is going to a tharipist. And I’m still scared to go to the bathroom at night. That was 4 years ago and I still get asked about the scars on my arms. Don’t do this before trying the pencil game… But that’s ano story if you want to read it read the comments on the pencil game.

3.  I did it… I felt it growing in my arms and sending this bursts of pain through my entire body. I was so scared. but I flushed it as soon as I felt it growing i remember i walked out of the bathroom shaking and just sat there on the sofa while my friends kept on asking what happened. i was like in shock.


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