Top 5 Haunted Places In America ( PART-2 )

This is the continuation of the previous article Top 5 Haunted Places In America ( PART-1 )

6. Saint Augustine Lighthouse, St. Augustine, Florida ;

The St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum has been a spooky spot for years and has been telecasted on various TV shows. There were ancient buildings as well as a light house since 1600s'. The current lighthouse was opened in 1874, and visitors have reported smelling cigar smoke, finding locked doors opened, and seeing chairs move. The spookiness around the light house resulted in number of visitors since decades. Two of the most popular ghosts are the daughters of Hezekiah Pity, who was working on the building in the 1880s'. According to the story, Eliza and Mary were playing on a small rail car when it broke loose and rolled into the bay where the girls drowned. Visitors have reported hearing their laughter or seeing them walking along the shore. You can take a "Dark of the Moon" ghost tour of the lighthouse, but book early. Its because the craze around this spooky spot is quite good !

7. Mount Misery Road, West Hills, New York ;

The area known as West Hills has recorded amazing paranormal activity for over a century. Mount Misery Road,named by settlers cursing its difficult passage, and the area near Sweet Hollow Road have a creepy history of paranormal activities. "Weird US" lists Mount Misery Road and the nearby Sweet Hollow Road as two roads with truly haunted histories. Ghostly faces are seen in the trunks of trees, strange lights flash over the woods, and misty apparitions appear to drivers near the Northern State Parkway.

8. The Queen Mary, Long Beach, California ;

"Time Magazine" has listed the Queen Mary as one of the most haunted locations in the US, and she lives up to her reputation ( spooky as F*** ). This haunted beach contains numerous ghosts, including ghostly children playing by the pool where they were said to have drowned, and the spirit of a sailor. Many have reported spirits on the ship, and the Queen Mary offers ghost hunters a unique experience aboard a floating hotel where evening tours guide visitors throughout the ship in search of the next world. " This can be your next holiday adventurous spooky spot "

9. The Lincoln Theater, Decatur, Illinois ; 

The grand old Lincoln Theater offers its visitors with many spooky examples of paranormal activity, and "The Haunted US" calls it America's Most Haunted Theater. Listen for ghostly footsteps, or feel the hair on your arms stand on end with the chill of mysterious encounters. The theater opened in 1916, built where a hotel had previously been. The Priest Hotel was built in 1860, and burned to the ground in 1915. At least two people were killed in the fire. They believe that spirits wander around the theatre and offers a spooky experience to its visitors.

10. Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois ;

Over hundreds of  documented reports of ghost sightings make Bachelor's Grove Cemetery one of the most haunted cemeteries in the country, and "Prairie Ghosts" lists it as one of America's most haunted places. The forested area near the suburb of Midlothian, outside of Chicago contains a small cemetery where many people witness glowing balls of light hovering over the area. Chicago Hauntings offers private ghost tours that may include the cemetery, as well as other famous Chicago haunts.

You all can have a Paranormal Experience by visiting any of the above mentioned places. American residents,what are you waiting for?? Have a safe paranormal holiday spot next weekend!!


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