
Showing posts from July, 2017

Strange Dream That Welcomed His Death !!

This is a True Paranormal Experience shared by Mr.Naveen Singh to our Facebook Page  It's quite interesting and worth to read. Since I've found it very strange and weird, I thought of sharing it on the blog! My friend and I were taking a walk in a nearby park. While walking my friend saw something on the ground. He went and picked it up. It looked like a small figurine/statue, an ancient one. "It's made up of bronze, isn't it?" he asked. "Yes," I replied. It was a face with its eyes closed. He looked at it for a couple of seconds and then threw it in the bushes beside him. Then we walked for some time and then went back home. Next day, he called me early in morning. He sounded quite hyped up. "Hey, u know at night I dreamed of that figurine." He said. "What! really?" I was amazed too. "yeah, I was in a white space and far away in front of me, this figurine was floating in the air. I kept walking for maybe 10 minutes

15 Two-Lined Horrifying Stories Which Contain Enough Chills !!

These Two, Three lined terrifying stories can get you chills instead of long Horror Stories. We picked up 15 Top Short stories from Reddit you must read to get the crap out of you. You might have come across these popular horror lines before, yet they can freak you out if you are the only one in your room. 1.  It was a peaceful night. I was suddenly woken up by a knocking on the glass. I went near the window to check out who it was. I found none. It was then I realized the sound was coming from the mirror. 2. The last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 12:07 before she pushed her long rotting nails through my chest, her other hand muffling my screams. I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream, but as I saw my alarm clock read 12:06, I heard my closet door creak open. 3.   Growing up with cats and dogs, I got used to the sounds of scratching at my door while I slept. Now that I live alone, it is much more unsettling. 4. In all of the time that I’ve lived

Ghost In The Hostel | True Incident

This is a true incident which was happened in a medical college in India which went quite viral among the Indian citizens.     Anu ( the name is changed ) completed her 12th with a good % and secured a seat in a well reputed Indian Medical College. Her eyes filled with joy entering the college seeing the big buildings. She ,with her friend, is exploring the wide campus after getting settled with her hostel room.  While roaming around the campus, they were called by a friend circle of her seniors. They called the girls to rag them. "Hey, Blue Salvar.. come here!". ( Anu is in Blue Salvar ) .Well, Anu is a brave, bold, straightforward girl. She readily went to them and stood still. She just looked at every person before her. There are three people. Sam, Varun, Hepsiba. Hepsiba asked her name. Anu replied, You gave me the name now, it's Blue Salvar!!!. Both the boys giggled at Hepsiba. She didn't like it though!. Varun, the naughty guy, asked flirty questions!

Capturing Ghosts | Scary Games

The Picture Game is a scary paranormal ritual you can play with your friends at sleepovers where you attempt to take photos of a ghost.!! Picture Game To play this Game, you need at least 2 people. The more players, the better. You will need long string or a rope, a small mirror for each player, a camera with a flash, a glass, and scissors or a knife. 1.  Make a circle with the rope and tie a knot in it. Place it in the center of the room. Fill the glass with a little alcohol and place it in the center of the rope circle. 2. Have each person sit around the circle, holding their mirrors in front of them and pointing them at the ceiling. 3. Turn off the lights. Have everyone close their eyes and hold hands. Each person says, one after the other, “I trust you.” 4. Have everyone say three times in unison, “The door is open, please come in.” Everyone can now open their eyes. Whatever wants to come in has now entered. 5. Pass the camera around the circle. When each perso

Cat Scratch | Scary Games !!

Here is another safe small scary game you can play with your friends when you want something to be really new! Getting a scratch on your back !! It doesn't sound funny, right? But playing it is! This game is played by telling a scary cat story to the player.                                       Cat Scratch You must need at-least two people to play this game. You must also need a peaceful room with less/no electronic disturbances! 1. You sit down on the floor cross legged with a pillow on your lap. Your friend lies on the floor, on their back, with their head in your lap on the pillow. If there are other members, your friends, in the room, they all can sit circularly around you. 2. You rub your friend's temples in a soothing motion as you tell them a scary story about a cat. Scary story 1: There once was an old lady who owned a cat. The cat was very nice. It meowed and purred. One day, the cat got hit by a car and died. Catscratch, Catscratch, Catscratch.

Red Door Yellow Door | Scary Games

Red Door Yellow Door is a scary paranormal game you can play before your sleep time when you are around with your friends. This scary ritual is also known as “Black Door, White Door” or “Doors of the Mind”.But it is widely popular as "Red Door Yellow Door". A person guides another person, while he is in trance, through all the doors and rooms !! Red Door Yellow Door ; There must be at least two people to play this game. One acts as the guide, another will be in trance guided by the guide! Only two must play and the rest should sit around them. Select a room which is not disturbed by any electronic device like TV, Radio, Music System, etc. 1. The guide(one of the players) sits down on the floor, cross-legged with a pillow on his/her lap. The other player should lie on the floor with his/her head on the pillow facing the roof. The person lying down must close his/her eyes through out the game !.     Let the person lying down be you! 2. Raise your hands in the

Baby Blue | Scary Ritual !!

Let's know about another scary ritual today! The "Baby Blue Game" ! This ritual is believed linked to The Bloody Mary ritual! Well, in fact, Baby Blue is believed to be scarier than The Bloody Mary. There are shreds of evidence that this shit actually happened! So take a look at this cute baby !!!! Baby Blue In order to play “Baby Blue”, you have to go to the bathroom( only you ), turn off the lights and lock yourself there. Then stare into the mirror, hold out your arms like you are holding a baby and chant the words “Baby Blue, Blue Baby” 13 times without making a mistake. If you have done it all right, you will suddenly feel like the weight of an invisible baby in your arms. The baby will get heavier and heavier as it grows larger and larger. You will also feel like it is scratching your arms. Before it gets too heavy ( before it gets dangerous ), you have to quickly take the invisible baby, flush it down the toilet and get the hell out of the bathroom. I

6 Creepy Stories Which Will Shiver Your Spine !!

Here are six creepy stories you should read to get chilled! 1. The Girl Who Fell Down The Well When my wife was 6 years old, she fell down a well. She wasn’t able to climb out and when she realized she was stuck down there, she started to cry. Then, she heard a girl’s voice coming from above her. The voice told her not to worry and told her there were some stones jutting out of the walls of the well so she could grab hold of them and climb out. She did as the voice told her and managed to get out of the well. When she got to the top, she looked around, but there was nobody there. Creeped out, she ran all the way home. When her mother asked her what was wrong, she told her about what happened. Her mother told her that, many years ago, a little girl had fallen down that very same well and drowned… 2. Midnight Playtime My grandmother told me a scary true story about something that happened when my father was a child. His playroom was in the attic. She said that sometimes

5 Creepy Stories That Are Enough Filled With Chills !!

This time I thought of sharing some creepy stories that are quite spooky enough !!                                 1. The Horseman One night, there was a young man riding on horseback. He was tired and hungry and looking for a place to spend the night. He saw a villa up ahead where he might ask for shelter. He rode into the courtyard and got off his horse. There, he saw a beautiful young woman who was holding a candle. She asked him who he was and what he wanted. Describing his situation, the young man asked her for shelter. The lady agreed and led him inside. The young man looked around the house and saw a painting of a dreadful, evil-looking man. He asked the woman who the person was. She replied that it was her husband who had died a few years ago. The young man examined the picture closely. When he turned around, he was frightened to see the very same man standing there, staring at him with a horrible expression on his face. The husband shouted at the young man and dema

Two Sentenced Stories That Are Enough To Freak You Out ! !

Now I'm going to say you some 2-3 sentenced short stories that are enough to shiver your spine! 1. It was again a routine night! Do you know what my kind of "routine" means? - It's my daughter ! crying again so loud. I can't get into sleep! Now I'm hating this! So I took my car keys and drove straight to the graveyard! I stood before her grave and told her " Please stop it darling! Daddy wanna sleep ! " 2. It's raining heavily. My car damaged and stopped suddenly in the middle of the journey. So I looked around and found a small cottage. I thought of staying this night there. The old woman welcomed me She asked me whether I would like to drink coffee, I accepted. She took out a milk packet from the fridge. I observed a thing like a head of an old man in the fridge as the door slowly closed !! 3. It was a peaceful night. I am getting into sleep slowly. My grandmother came near me, sat by my side and is gently caressing my hair. She exp

The Man Outside The Window ! - Short Spooky Tale

It was a Cold Creepy Saturday Night. !! Jessica , a 19 year girl , was alone in her house. Her parents left for a weekend party that day morning . The clock was about to struck 12 o' clock but her parents still did not return home. As it was late night, Jessica felt uncomfortable in her house. It was heavily snowing outside. The room temperature was too cold. Adding that she was alone, she felt spooky! She did not want to call her parents because they might feel that she can't take care of herself all alone ! But what to do! She just grabbed a large blanket and sat on the sofa watching TV. The blanket gave her enough warmth and now she was comfortable watching her favourite show. As it was late night, many channels were telecasting horror related programs. She is alone in her house late night ! But still she is loving to watch those ! ( We humans love it .. We are a bit weird ).                                        Minutes passed ! Now here came the trouble ! 

The Midnight Game ( Welcoming The Midnight Man ) - Scary Games !!

I have heard of many scary games/rituals , but this kind of game is a bit weird. It offers you nothing ! just death if you did not play as per the rules !! ( kinda spooky nah! ). Now lets read about this spooky game which is viral since some years. About the Game: The Midnight game is an ancient game/ritual that was used in the ancient time to punish the culprits who broke the laws and traditions of the religion. It was believed that this game gave them instant death. As it was believed, this was an PAGAN ritual !. Now a days this game became very popular among kids and teens. This game became viral on social platforms. Many dare their lives to do it. Kids and teens make challenges to perform this ritual,shoot it, and upload it on the social media. They do it for thrill ! Poor kids ! they are not known or little known about how dangerous it was ! How To Play ? : ( just for your knowledge! , don't go for it !  ) Things Required : So to play this spooky game you all nee

Top 5 Haunted Places In America ( PART-2 )

This is the continuation of the previous article  Top 5 Haunted Places In America ( PART-1 ) 6. Saint Augustine Lighthouse, St. Augustine, Florida ; The St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum has been a spooky spot for years and has been telecasted on various TV shows. There were ancient buildings as well as a light house since 1600s'. The current lighthouse was opened in 1874, and visitors have reported smelling cigar smoke, finding locked doors opened, and seeing chairs move. The spookiness around the light house resulted in number of visitors since decades. Two of the most popular ghosts are the daughters of Hezekiah Pity, who was working on the building in the 1880s'. According to the story, Eliza and Mary were playing on a small rail car when it broke loose and rolled into the bay where the girls drowned. Visitors have reported hearing their laughter or seeing them walking along the shore. You can take a "Dark of the Moon" ghost tour of the lighthouse, but

Top 5 Haunted Places In America ( PART-1 )

The United States Of America have 10s' of haunted places where a number of paranormal activities took place. Well i have listed here some of them. This list includes historical sites,caves,mansions and even battlefields. To your surprise, most of them are open to public and some even offer a whole night accommodation. ( creepy nah??!!) . So after reading this article, people of U.S.A can give a try to visit them !! 1. THE BELL WITCH CAVE , ADAMS , TENNESSEE ; This cave is one of the oldest haunting spot in USA. The famous CBS news also listed it as one of the creepy place in america. In the time of 1817-1821, The John Bell Family, residents of Adams, was haunted by a poltergeist. It was a witch that tortured the  family. it troubled the children, made weird noises. It was believed that this witch was the neighbour of the Bell Family who hated them. She swore John that she would murder him. And finally she succeeded. There are many who believe that this witch was a polte